My mission, which I have accepted is:
1) Create a post on my blog and add the Liebster blog image.
2) Link back to the person who gave me the award and say if I accept.
3) Choose 3-5 of my favourite blogs, link to these in my post and tell these lucky bloggers that they've been tagged.

So in no particular order...
1. Tabitha Emma
An amazingly beautiful blog full of inspiring photography and illustration. I always head here if I need a bit of a creative pick me up or to find new artists. Love it!
2. The Spotted Fox
Worth a look for the navigation buttons alone! A creative melting pot highlighting all things crafty, thought-provoking and aesthetically pleasing. Run by Sara and Kelly, quite simply this blog makes me smile and sigh when I look at it. Go look!
3. Scribbleblock
A multi-talented lady with a blog full of her AWESOME drawings, oh and she's my best bud and business partner too. I'm not biased though, she is seriously talented. Check her out!
4. Tiny Red
A beautiful blog of illustration by awesome illustrator Thereza Rowe and other things she finds inspiring. I love the colours Thereza uses in her work and it follows through in to the blog. Gorgeous!
5. Georgia Coote
A lovely lady posting a pattern a day. Georgia's work is always original and encourages discussion on her blog, you get a real sense of community from visiting and commenting. A real wealth of work, very inspiring!
I could of picked loads more but those are the blogs I'm always looking at, feel free to check them out and pick a few of your own!
Congrats on your award, you're blog is amazing totally inspiring and love reading it. And thanks loads for tagging me, I feel extremely honoured amongst the fantastic blogs you've mentioned, have just had a good look at them all and am feeling very inspired!x