
Book of Letters

For a friend's 30th birthday this year I decided to create a book of old childhood photographs, however while rummaging in the loft searching for pictures I stumbled across a box of old letters. The letters were from friends I'd moved away from when I was about eleven and I sat for ages reading through them, laughing until I cried about their latest crushes, school, boys at school, films they'd seen at the cinema, boys they'd seen at the cinema (can you see a theme emerging here?!). So I thought what would be a better memory than a book of letters to read/cringe through!?

I created the book with brown envelopes that I'd printed 80's and 90's imagery and illustrations onto, sewing them together and then binding them into a hard packaging envelope that rather handily converted into a cover. The final touches were collected and printed stamps and labels, and of course copies of the letters and photos.

(collection of awesome 80s/90s imagery used throughout the book, oh how I miss my Speak and Spell *sigh*)

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